
“We’re bridging the gaps between people and technology.”


e want to make technology serve anyone who can benefit from it. Whether the technology is software, processes, systems, or education, it’s PI’s job to make those things work purposefully for people.

We want to serve for-profit businesses well. We want to serve community organizations well.

Whatever the context, we want to work within the system as it stands and make that system better.

about technology

Doing good business keeps us sharp.
Serving the community feeds our soul.


We serve businesses and communities by contributing to open-source libraries and developing a higher standard of software. We also believe philanthropy is a part of good business. We “tithe” our time, resources, and skills to support causes we find meaningful and address problems others ignore.

The reasons we “Build to better.”

Practical Inventions’ mission is to fulfill the needs and potential of people through pragmatic, collaborative solutions.

In the long term, we seek to become a nexus that actualizes human potential through meaningful and open creation.

Practical Inventions believes that successful business should be made of the same stuff that makes a successful life.

To offer a common definition, a successful person lives a life that is practical, full, and generous – a life where needs are fulfilled, dreams are purposefully pursued and realized, and others are empowered to pursue the same.

At Practical Inventions, we call this philanthropic pursuit of success
future making”.

Strive for a good and healthy life. Continually get better. Offer your talents to help others pursue their purpose. That’s future making. That’s the philosophy of Practical Inventions.


Using our talents to serve others. Whether it’s a business owner needing technology help or students struggling to learn, we empower people to improve their circumstances and unlock their potential. It’s not so much charity; It’s helping people build.


Collaborating openly and meeting people where they are. Practical Inventions believes everyone has something to offer when given the opportunity. To tap that power, we have to set enough of ourselves aside to work effectively with others.


Meeting people and the world as they are to create real outcomes. Principles tempered by reality build effective results. Ideally, ideals would be enough, but accomplishing real things takes healthy compromise, wisdom, and strength of character.


Showing mutual respect and balancing our own interests with others. What we do affects other people. There’s usually a middle ground that gives more people what they want and need, providing a guidepost for healthy compromise and a foundation for respect.


Doing what it takes to get the job done. Progress is made by working hard, training to be better, and pursuing goals with discipline. Achieving important things takes grit.


Putting our cleverness to use to reach beyond what is. Sometimes problems are solved by making something new, but there is often hidden potential in solutions that already exist.


Stepping outside of our comfort zone and fighting for what we believe in. Doing the right thing and changing how things are done takes heart.

Right Action

Being guided by conscience and seeking better ways. Changing our course for the better requires stopping to ask, “What is the right thing to do here?” and taking the time to compare our decisions against our best selves.

To learn more about us and how we can help you build to better…